Addressing Employee Qualification on Decentralized Networks: Qubicles University
Finding a qualified or trained employee or even a freelancer might often be tricky because, in most of the cases, there is no parity among the qualifications. Think of it, an American employer, looking to outsource the work to a decently educated but certainly more affordable Indian worker wouldn’t know that in India, the American ‘college’ is called ‘high school’. People might think the situation is better when it comes to more professional and widely accepted degrees. However, many wouldn’t know that CPA(Chartered Public Accountant) and CA(Chartered Accountant) are one and the same. In fact, many users of one nomenclature might not be aware of the other name of the degree!
This brings us to an important issue which many employers are facing. As we are presently focussing on the contact centers, let us explain the situation is this industry. Previously, we explained how the Qubicles network will bring together the skill owners and the skilled personnel seekers. However, we also raised a question, who will ensure that these workers are truly qualified? We will answer that question here, the Qubicles University.
Qubicles University is an integrated knowledge center and certifying authority in the Qubicles network. The university, staying true to the decentralization ideology, will be offering multiple user-defined courses to the aspirants where the course materials, course durations and course fees will all be determined by the course creator. Anybody can pay a tiny fee towards platform usage and list a course. Aspirants can choose those courses and once passed will be officially certified on the network.
Employers, on the other hand, can mention the desired certifications of the potential candidates. Qubicles network will allow them to specify these criteria. When applying for a particular requirement, the candidates or the representative of a group of candidates (aka contact center managers with idle employee hours) will need to ensure that they have these certifications. Whenever an employer hires someone based on the certification from a particular course creator, the course creator will be automatically rewarded by the Qubicles network as it proves the worth and credibility of his course. This will encourage the course creators to create the best course in his domain.
This will force the candidates (or their representatives) to get certified. They can freely select the specialisation they want and choose among all the courses listed for that field. Once passed, these certifications will be publicly displayed on their Qubicles profile. Moreover, these certifications will be verifiable on the Qubicles blockchain as well.
This intrinsic cycle enables a win-win solution for all the involved parties. The course creators get paid when they get candidates for their courses. To beat the competition, they will need to offer the best course possible as the blockchain-based platform will provide total transparency and fairness. The course takers will be driven by the need to be officially qualified for the jobs they are applying to. The employers will be at peace, knowing their candidates are fit for the job he is hiring them for.
Honestly speaking, some of the centralised workforce hiring platforms have certifications as well. However, like it is with every other centralised organisation, these courses are
· Priced at the sole discretion of the organisation and often cost a mini fortune.
· Have no alternatives and thus, forced upon the candidate.
· Have no mechanism to challenge the questions or answers of the test.
· Often, mechanised and no real human interaction takes place.
· Often miss the latest trends and candidates are required to wait till the organisation brings it out.
Qubicles University, driven by the real users of the network, is free from all these flaws. Welcome to the future of decentralized education where everything is transparent, fair and open to all, without the whims of a controlling body.