With the listing of our Qubicles token imminent, we have prepared a short guide to help you learn how to trade QBE tokens using a decentralized exchange. In this article, we will focus on trading on the Telos blockchain using the EOSEX exchange, but the same process applies for any EOSIO chain and decentralized exchanges supporting EOS.IO-based tokens such as Qubicles.
- Open Sqrl and make sure a) the Telos Mainnet is selected and b) your desired trading account is the active account in the Sqrl accounts dropdown.
2. Navigate to the website for the decentralized exchange. In this case, we’re using www.EOSEX.com. Select DEX Login from the Login menu, which will take you to a page that will allow you to login with Sqrl:
3. Select the Telos tab to indicate that you will be connecting to the Telos blockchain and click Sign in via Sqrl:
4. Once you click Sign in via Sqrl, the Sqrl wallet is notified and will immediately appear on your screen with a prompt. This prompt, titled Allow app to link?, will inform you that an app called eosex.com is requesting your permission to connect to Sqrl. It will also list your current account permissions available to provide to the app, which will be used to perform transactions on your behalf. Please note that your private keys are never shared with any external apps linked to Sqrl. Furthermore, you must ALWAYS double-check these prompts and read the full details before allowing 3rd-party websites to connect to your Sqrl wallet. Finally, we recommend NEVER providing any 3rd-party websites with access to your “owner” account permission.
5. Select your active account permission and then click Approve to allow eosex.com to interact with your Sqrl account:
6. Once you have approved the link between EOSEX and your Sqrl account’s active permission, you will be taken back to EOSEX and can begin trading using their decentralized exchange. Your browser window on eosex.com should look similar to the following:
7. At this stage, you may Buy or Sell Qubicles tokens (or any other supported tokens) using the trading tools in the lower right section of eosex.com, as shown in the image below:
8. After entering your desired selling/buying prices and token amounts, clicking Sell or Buy will cause Sqrl to automatically display a prompt asking for your approval to perform the trade. Please review the details of this prompt before approving — these actions are irreversible!
That’s all, folks.
Happy trading!