We’re proud to announce that our QBE token has begun trading on eosEX.com! You may trade using the QBE/EOS or QBE/TLOS trading pairs directly from your Sqrl wallet using EOSEX’s decentralized exchange (DEX) mode or by transferring your tokens into their centralized exchange (CEX) directly.
A trading competition is also active now through Valentine’s day (2/14/2019 at 6:00PM GMT+8) where traders among the Top 10 in terms of trading volume for each day of the 7-day campaign will win QBE. Additionally, the 7-day overall winner with the most trading volume will get a competition bonus of 180,000 QBE.
On each day, the following winning pools are available:
1st Place: 80,000 QBE
2nd Place: 60,000 QBE
3rd Place: 50,000 QBE
4th to 10th Place: 10,000 QBE
Good luck!